Recount of the Recount

recountRobert Brinker has completed a new artist book titled, Recount of the Recount. The book combines political and personal narratives that reflect on the 2000 presidential election. Brinker’s use of vinyl tapes and duct tape throughout the prints and on the book cover act as a clever metaphor for censorship by referencing its use as a tool for gagging. It also asks the questions, “Is it live or taped, real or staged?”.

recount1The book consists of eight individually bound, accordion-style prints. Seven of the books have drawn images borrowed from news media showing political players and others who are captured and collaged in fabricated interactions and situations. The eighth book contains essays by Sondra Myers and Carrie Paterson, as well as information on the original drawings.

recount2All eight books slide into a book sleeve safely housed inside a larger slipcase.

Edition of 500

This project was jointly produced by The Institute for Electronic Arts at Alfred University and MA Nose Studios.

Click to view more details from the book.


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